The Vaccine People
Bio-Terrorism Response    
Clinical Trial Services    
DoD Clinical Call Center    
Executive Team    
Global Phone Service    
Health Alerts    
Onsite Vaccines    
Travel Health Insurance    
Travel Intelligence    
Travel Medical Services    
Travel Supplies    
PASSageware on the Web!

Passport Health goes beyond vaccinations, providing travelers with security and medical safety advice, group preparation, travel products, and up-to-the minute advice on the customs and dangers in each country. Our expert medical staff help ensure that your trip goes smoothly, no matter where you travel!

Passport Health has teamed up with iJET Travel Intelligence to offer our clients the most detailed and relevant travel intelligence available in the world today. We confidently recommend the WorldCue services available through iJET Travel Intelligence in order to stay one crucial step ahead of any potential conflicts before and during your trip.


Q: What is travel Intelligence?
A: Travel Intelligence is high-quality information that enables travelers to avoid travel problems. The iJET intelligence process creates information that is timely, accurate, precise, comprehensive and personalized to the needs of each traveler.

Q: Why do I need Travel Intelligence?
A: iJET’s services help travelers avoid the common as well as the not-so-common problems associated with travel. IJET keeps travelers informed on everything from flight delays to security issues faced in foreign countries.

Q: Will I receive updates while traveling?
A: Travelers can receive e-mail and/or voice mail alerts prior to and during their trips about significant events that may disrupt their travel. Travelers will have the option to receive only critical alerts or they may choose to also receive warning and informational alerts.


Saudi Arabia: Meningococcal vaccine requirements changed. Pre-Trip Entry/Exit
London: Significant road work causes traffic disruptions and heavy congestion. During-Trip Transportation
Italy: Exercise caution through May 13 elections due to bitter electoral campaign. Pre-trip or During Trip Security
Mexico: Histoplasmosis outbreak Post Trip Health
France: Counterfeit French franc 500 notes circulating; travelers should use other denominations Pre-Trip or During trip Finance

iJET is available at a discount to Passport Health clients.
The retail $25 fee is discounted to $15 per trip.